We'll offer you the BEST PRICE we've ever offered - and give you the course for almost 80% off!

You'll have instant access to all 12 videos + audio!




And it's ALL available to you- INSTANT ACCESS!

Intro + 11 modules + a strategy that's uniquely you

You can accomplish more with less time & less effort

Ever worked, gotten a little result, and then worked more- only to find yourself working in circles? Or spinning your wheels? We'll outline a few steps guaranteed to get you traction, so that you get the most of the time you invest in building your business.

We'll talk about the most effective way to get your message out to others!

Whether you love speaking in front of crowds or not, we'll empower you to move your message to the masses in a way that works with your unique skill set.

The first question anyone asks when starting any job is HOW MUCH & WHEN they'll get paid!

We'll show you how to "stack" and "build" your organization in such wa way that you get the maximum benefit from the comp plan (YL's is among the MOST GENEROUS, by the way)!

So we learned a few lessons the hard way... We'll spare you the learning curve!

Face it. There's nothing new under the sun. The things you're going to face- and are facing- have been worked through by others. So, let's leverage time + experience and create a clear path to your success!

Yes- two things are certain in life (death + taxes), so no biz conversation would be complete without this convo

There are TONS of things you can write-off. Even this course is a tax deduction :-)

We boil it town and make taxes simple. Simple. Simple.

For good measure, we'll outline the things you CAN & SHOULD do, as well as some things you should steer clear from :-)

We'll talk about compliance, ethics, the YL code of conduct... and even a few things that are "best practices." You'll grab loads of takeaways here, too, that will show you how to simplify some of what you're doing every day with our time hacks!

We were shocked when we learned about these two little gems- they'll be two of your GO-TO items!

What if you could teach peopel how to get FREE STUFF every single month? 

And what if you had kits on hand to give people- so that they didn't have to wait for them to come in the mail? 

Yep- your business would grow EVEN MORE. We'll show you how to do both.

Learners are earners, right? We'll show you where to find great resources... cheap and free!

From great places on Facebook to the best places to learn... to the easiest ways to find or create graphics... we'll show you what we've learned.

Your business is people- and it's easier keeping people on your team than it is to find new ones!

This step is VITAL- you want a growing team, right? Follow up begins BEFORE someone becomes a member.

But don't worry- we'll show you how to do it without sounding like a sales person :-)


This module is all about YOU- we'll show you how to do the business without sounding salesy!

What if we could outline a plan that shows you how to work your business doing the things you ALREADY love + do every day? Rest assured, that's a way for you to lead your business as a natural overflow of who you are- and the great gifts you have!

Let's be honest. YL is flooded with women. And a lot of guys don't want any part of it. We'll show you how to get him onboard- fast!

This module is great for guys who are already onboard, too!

We'll land the plane- and give you a takeaway that gets results every single week!

This final one is so obvious- so blatantly apparent- that we actually missed it for a season. But, after walking through this module, you never will!

The best part... you'll have an outline of YOUR NEXT BEST STEPS!

The basics are the same, but the way in which we execute the basics is different. We have different schedules + existing commitments + real life.

Throughout the workshop we'll empower you to create a game plan that works for you! You'll walk away knowing what to do each day in order to build your business a bit more. In time, the results will be exponential!

#Overflow = 3.5 hours of video, workbook format- all designed TO EMPOWER YOU understand the business and START EARNING FAST!

The fine print for this online course-

  • Student comments. You'll get access to the member comments and questions posted on the chat boards inside each of the modules. Learn with others!

  • Learn anywhere. Our site is mobile-friendly. That means you can watch + listen on your smartphone... while your driving (just keep your eyes on the road and listen, OK!), while you're cooking, cleaning, showering, shaving, jogging, swashbuckling... 

  • Forever, wherever access. Review at your own pace- as many times as you want. Once you're in, you've got access forever, from as many devices as you want (login with user name + password).
  • Risk free guarantee. Love it or leave it. Leave it... we'll simply refund your money, no questions asked within the first 30 days. There's nothing to lose, yet an entire business building venture to gain!


You'll have instant access to the eBook / workbook + all 12 videos!