Two things you must have for your business to soar
Jan 12, 2016
I've noticed that the most successful Young Living business builders do (at least) two things well:
1) they get new enrollments, and
2) they educate the members of their organization
Sure, their personal enrollments may slow down as they work through their warm leads, but they continue enrolling and they never stop educating. That's right, they also continue enrolling- catch that- because you may have bought into the myth that, at some point, everyone in your warm market knows about essential oils, so you'll never enroll anyone ever again!
(Ask me sometime how Cristy and I enrolled as many people in two months of our third year as we did the entire first year when we were going through our warm leads! OK... back to the main idea...)
Two wings of a plane
This two-pronged approach of enrolling and educating was such an eye-opening concept for me that I actually added it to the new update of The Field Guide to the Comp Plan when I re-drafted it back in the summer (by the way, if you're following along with your book and followed a link in the book to get here, go ahead and review chapter 3 of the book, "Enroll and Educate"). I inserted the airplane graphics in specific places in the book where I wanted to emphasize this idea.
You see, no matter how strong one wing of the airplane is, it may be a challenge to fly if the other wing is not attached to the plane! In other words, you can enroll people all day long... but if you don't move them towards repeat buying, your organization (your business!) isn't going to grow.
Or, you can educate people and sign them up on ER... but, without new enrollments, you're not going to grow, either...
...both wings are needed...
In addition, as a side note, the skill of the pilot is almost irrelevant without two wings on a plane. Even the best pilots need a rock-solid aircraft in order to make their magic happen. So do we... In effect, these business builders expand their organizations and make them larger by enrolling new members. And, they maintain that size by educating their members. Then, they enroll more (and grow again) and educate the enrolled...
How do you know if you did it?
How do you know if you're educating people enough? Well, you know you're enrolling when people "sign up" and get the kit. That's a tangible way you know you've succeeded on that front. In other words, enrollments aren't gauged by
* how many classes you do
* how many Facebook posts you make
* how many marketing pieces you hand out...
...enrollments are gauged by... well... the number of people who actually enroll.
The metric for evaluating if you're educating enough may seem a bit more difficult to find, but I think it's pretty simple once we flesh out the rationale behind it. Here it is...
Make it your goal to educate people to Essential Rewards (ER). That's it.
ER is the program that gives members discounted shipping, allows them to earn free products, and let's them accumulate points for each purchase they make. Once people have signed up for ER, it shows you that they see the value of the products, that they're actually using them, and that they want to continue ordering more. This shows that...
* They see the value of the essential oils and a lifestyle of health & wellness
* They've likely integrated some of the replacement products / transfer buys into their lifestyle, as well
* They've committed to spending money each month- which, in turn, builds your business!
Think about it
Think about it like this. If you don't educate...
* You're going to be chasing new enrollments every month in order to simply maintain your volume.
* You're going to consistently have to hustle, rarely finding raving product users who later turn into business builders and help carry the weight of the organization with you.
On the other hand, if you do educate...
* People will use the products (which are consumable), so they'll run out, and need to order more.
* You'll see product users turn into business builders (after all, isn't that how much of them that you know started, by often swearing they would never do the business!)
* You'll continue receiving testimonials- and never run out of material for Facebook posts, classes, etc.
It's easier to maintain an existing customer relationship than it is to find a new one. And, it's less stressful, I think.
So, employ both tactics. Enroll to grow the size of your organization; educate to continue getting repeat orders and keep that growing size "full." Think about both aspects like two wings of an airplane. It's easier to soar to higher heights with both.
By the way...
Back to the things that actually grow your biz...
1. New enrollments
2. Essential Rewards
3. Multiplying Leaders
... Classes are a great way to begin knocking out #1 and introducing #2... and, in time, you'll see that they're also a great way to begin training AND replicating your efforts...
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