The Rising Star Bonus shows you how to begin building for long-term success!

comp plan getting started Mar 08, 2016


When I first reviewed the compensation plan, I couldn't make sense of it. I couldn't figure out where you'd place new people, how you should get started, or if it all just depended on luck and chance.

So, for the first few months that Cristy asked me to review the comp plan, I actually put it off. It was kind of debilitating, to be honest. And overwhelming. I couldn't wrap my head around it.

Yet, the truth remained: I had to dig into the comp plan, simply because you'd never start working any job or business if you didn't know how- and when- you were getting paid! 


The obvious

Maybe you've felt that way...

If so, take heart. There's a little gem built into the comp plan that, once you see and study, you'll see sets you up for long term success.

Here's the deal: If you’ll build your organization, from the beginning, the way that Young Living outlines for the Rising Star Bonus, you will have set yourself up to go- and to grow- long term.

In our live workshops, I mention that you should work the hours relative to the rank you want to have- not the rank you currently do have. If you work the hours relative to the rank you want, and if you do so with "average" ability, you'll see the hours-to-income ratio flip in your favor and you'll find yourself moving forward getting paid far more than your time is worth.

(In the beginning, it's the opposite- which is why so many people give up- they think they're not getting paid what they're worth... and they're right! They've got to invest a bit of time early, though, to build momentum for the long-term payoff!)

Now, to add another layer to that- my encouragement is to use those hours to "build out" your team in the early days just like the Rising Star Bonus suggests.  


What is the Rising Star Bonus?

The Rising Star Bonus is a revenue sharing plan. Here's what that means: Young Living is a global company that shares their monthly earnings with qualified distributors. They do this in the form of “shares.” You can earn up to 6 shares as part of the Rising Star Bonus pool.

Furthermore, the Rising Star Bonus is structured in such a way to set you up for long-term growth and health in your organization. That's a tongue-twister / mind-bender, I know... but ride with me for a minute, check the graphics, and watch the video.

I promise... you can not only understand this, you can implement it with fantastic results that will fuel your long-term success!

*By the way, we cover the Rising Star Bonus in chapter 7 of The Field Guide to the Comp Plan. So, if you have that book you may want to grab it now!


Rising Star Bonus- first share

You can earn up to 6 "shares" though the Rising Star Bonus. A share is usually about $40-50. It varies depending on how many people earn a share, as well as how big the 1% pool of qualified commissionable sales for the previous month is. Regardless, it's money added to your paycheck- above the Fast Start Bonus and the Unilevel Commission that you receive as a distributor. To earn any shares, the following must be true:

  • You must be a member of Essential Rewards
  • The leg leaders you sponsor who are being used as your "qualifying legs" for the bonus must be on Essential Rewards
  • You must have a 100 PV minimum order
  • Those leg leaders must have a 100 PV minimum order


2 more shares

(By the way,  video #3 in the Work It series covers Essential Rewards- and even has the script Cristy uses to move the majority of her personal enrollments to the program with great ease!)  


The breakdown

Now, to earn your first share, you must build three legs that each have 300 OGV each. You can earn two more shares by building two additional legs with 500 OGV. You can earn three final shares by building two more legs- in addition to maintaining the above- with 1,000 OGV each. 


3 more shares


In the end

In the end, you'll have seven strong legs, each with vested leaders. And, remember, to hit Royal Crown Diamond (currently the highest rank in Young Living) you only need 6 legs. Not 60. Not 600. Just 6.

The Rising Star Bonus, then, sends you on your way to greatness by:

  • Showing you the importance of working through a few leaders by loving and leading them well, and
  • Showing you the importance of the 100 PV mark and Essential Rewards

By the way, you're eligible for the Rising Star Bonus until you hit Silver. At that time, another bonus kicks in that's even better. Rather than being pulled from 1% of the bonus pool, it's created from 6.25%. It's known as Generation Shares and Generation Commissions.  (You can catch an overview of these in the Silver Math post.)



You might also like the the entire Work It series- there, we make the comp plan super simple and pleasantly practical in 16 easy-to-watch lessons.



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