Should you wait for business builders in order to start building your own business?
Jan 05, 2016
One day it dawned on me... as I was walking into Chik-fil-A. Cristy and I were about a year into our business building efforts with Young Living and this idea kept swirling in my head... a "false belief" I'd heard from numerous members who were just getting started and ready to grow their own businesses...
"I can't grow," they said. "I need a few more business builders and then I'll be ready."
I get it. It sounds true, so we believe it. We think that we can't grow unless we have other team members who want to grow, too.
As I walked into Chik-fil-A with a few of our kids, it hit me: in every other business in the world (just about!) people open for business. They begin welcoming customers and growing a steady volume of revenue. Sometimes it starts fast; other times it begins slow and steady. Whatever the case, they begin NOT by waiting for other business builders but by OPENING FOR BUSINESS.
The best way to start... is to start
In the world of Chik-fil-A (which my oldest boy refers to as "Christian Chicken," by the way), this means the owner-operators flips the switch on the "open" sign and begins selling chicken.
At some point, a future franchisee- someone he/she can replicate their efforts through- may walk in the door. They don't wait for that person, though, they just open...
* And they begin selling
* And they begin growing their list of raving fans who tell others about their store
* And their sales blossom as new people come visit them.
What are you waiting for?
So, in your world... the world of essential oils and great natural healthcare and home care products... Resist the notion that you've got to have "two or three more builders." Sure, you need them to hit the highest ranks in the company- and they'll come.
But start now.
Open today.
Hold a class. Schedule a belly-to-belly. Or call that friend...
As you begin growing, slow in the beginning- but steadily- business builders will naturally emerge. Maybe even from someone you don't yet know that you meet through someone whom you meet through someone else!
By the way...
In other venues we've talked about the three things that grow you biz-
* New enrollments
* Essential rewards (moving people from ordering once to become repeat customers)
* Multiplying leaders
Really, the three must happen in that order. You can't multiply a leader until you have them on Essential Rewards (that is, they're committed to the product), and that's not going to happen until you first have them as a "first time" customer (New Enrollment). See how that works?
Watch the video above- would love to know what you think!
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