Numbers 4 = Four Classes Per Month
Oct 25, 2017At least four times a month, you should get the message of your products in front of people…
That's right. Get the products in front of as many people as you can- in as short amount of time as possible.
How? Won’t that “get old”?
No…. Because there are tons of options on what you can teach. For instance…
- You can teach an Essential Rewards class (a great way to follow-up with new members throughout your entire organization- we do this the first week of every month, and we do it online)
- Or a class on the Premium Starter Kit (oils)
- Or a class on NingXia Red and the power of antioxidant wholeness
- Or Savvy Minerals, Pregnancy, Kids….
If you do four, you’ll find that the consistency pays off big.
What’s a class?
Now, don't think "class" as in lecture or anything remotely like you experience in high school or college- as much fun as those things might have been. Think of a class as a fun, interactive experience where you get to share with others something that you've come to love, something that's benefited you greatly! That mental shift will make a HUGE difference in how you approach things.
The the goal of classes is to get the kit in people's hands and help them start the journey of health + wellness.
If you stay "goal focused" (educate people + help them start their journey), then the definition of classes can get more ambiguous.
Really, we teach that you can do a class any way that accomplishes the goal of getting the kit(s) in people's hands and helps start them on the journey of walking in health and wholeness.
That means...
- you can do classes "live"
- you can use a video
- you can read the script
- you can do them one-to-one
- you can do them online
In The Field Guide to the Comp Plan I even write about "speed oiling" classes (think "speed dating" but with the oils instead!). The possibilities are endless, but the goal is the same: show people the products and help them start their journey.
Don’t stop = keep going
Here’s the deal. Consistency is king. Don’t take a month off.
I learned this when I was losing weight a few years ago. I learned never to take a “cheat day.” Why? Because a cheat day literally cost me three days.
In the same way, taking a “cheat month” off from your business will likely set you back a few months….
You lose the momentum of that month…
You undo the momentum of the previous month…
And it takes the following month to re-start the momentum that you lost.
Busy month? Lean into online classes or to classes you already have “in the can.”
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