Numbers 3 = Three Income Producing Activities
Nov 01, 2017There are three Income Producing Activities (IPAs) that will grow your business. The three things =
- New enrollments
- Repeat orders (Essential Rewards)
- Multiplying leaders
Everything you do related to your business needs to bolster- or achieve- one of those three. If you continually hit that list, over and over, you'll see growth :-)
Let’s talk through them.
Enrolling new members = the first income producing activity
This one is self-explanatory. When you enroll a new member (provided that it’s with a Premium Starter Kit) you make at least $50 (watch the Fast Start / Start Living Comp Plan MinVid 2 for more info).
Here’s the issue I see here: a lot of us “think” that the market is saturated. Or we believe that we can’t find new enrollments because we’ve worked through our warm leads.
Sure, after you work through your warm leads you’ll face a few creative challenges with getting the message to more people, but you can overcome those… and, as you do, your business will continue growing.
This leads me to the second IPA…
Essential Rewards / Repeat Buyers = the second income producing activity
Moving people from “enrollment” to “Essential Rewards” is a huge step. And it’s one that you need to make as soon as you can.
Think about it: we’re not looking for “one kit wonders.” Rather, we’re looking to lead people into a lifestyle of health + wellness.
What are a few ways to show people the greatness of Essential Rewards (ER)?
Well, we emphasize the monthly promos, for one. Each month, we show people what the receive FREE from Young Living at each PV expenditure. And, we point them to the fact that YL gives you ADDITIONAL FREEBIES if your order is placed via Essential Rewards (ER).
Think about that for a moment. A “regular” order receives one set of freebies. The same order, placed via ER receives MORE free stuff. And, remember, ER is a non-contract, choose-what-you-want, pick-your-ship-date bundle of goodness.
In addition to the monthly promos, we also emphasize “replacement products.” Some people refer to these as “transfer buys.” Or “sway buys.” They’re products people currently buy at a store somewhere… but they can simply take THOSE dollars that they ALREADY spend and purchase something from themselves- usually a higher quality product at a cheaper price- instead.
The win?
They generally save a bit of money.
And they don’t have to go to the store to get it.
And it’s a healthier alternative.
And it pushes them up to those monthly promo amounts.
Sure, there are oils people will run out of every month (99% of YL’s products are consumable- meaning that when people use them, they have to be replaced!). We have to replace our stash of Lavender… and Thieves… and Frankincense…
Young Living also carries cleaning supplies, though. This one boggles my mind, because there are HUNDREDS of people who have fallen off our downline. They fell off because we didn’t teach them how to use the oils kit AND the next level products… those transfer buys.
Sound too difficult a task? Well, all of these people- I’m sure of it- clean their house regularly.
Some of them even use vitamins and supplements.
I bet 95/100 of the women use makeup and personal care / skin care / “beauty” products.
In other words, they’re all candidates for replacement / swap / transfer buy products… and that means they’re incredible candidates for Essential Rewards.
After all, there’s no other program that gives people back points they can use on free stuff like ER!
That leads me to the third IPA…
Moving people to leadership = the third income producing activity
I’ve posted several vides about what happens you hit Silver and higher AND what happens when THEY hit Silver and higher…
Even before they get there, though, their growth creates momentum and excitement and enthusiasm…
And, again, once you begin hitting the higher ranks with YL, you’ll notice that the LARGEST percentage of your check is going to come from the bonuses you receive by empowering other Silver+ leaders throughout your downline.
What do you really have control over?
Here’s one of the biggest “ah-ha” moments for me. Out of everything you can possibly do for your business, the only things you can actually control are the first two on this list…
You can always host classes and enroll people…
You can always educate people about the amazing products YL has and encourage them to try Essential Rewards.
You can’t control what other business builders choose to do (or not do).
You can’t control the market.
You can’t control which products are in stock and out of stock.
You can’t control the promotions and calendaring issues with the company….
It makes sense, then, to focus on the things that you CAN control- particularly when these are actions that can get you an INSTANT results…
Yes, you must do things that aren’t income producing…
There are a handful of activities that you’ll have to do every month that aren’t income producing.
You’ll likely have to make a few graphics.
You’ll need to create a culture of honor and enthusiasm for your team.
You’ll spend some time on online chat boards via Facebook or other software you use…
Everything is NOT an IPA. Yet, at the same time, understanding what the IPAs are helps you plan your time well. And it helps you do the other non-IPA things in such a way that they SUPPORT the IPAs…
Make sense?
During the early stages of your growth, begin doing all three. Enroll people, move them to Essential Rewards, and identify those that have everything from an interest in getting their products for free to those who want to build an empire.
Continue working consistently... and the results will come!
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