Noah's ramp- If you can do a small dream, you can do a big dream

getting started goal setting May 10, 2016

I love this short video Noah (our 11-year old son) created. A few weeks ago he wanted to build a ramp. So we did.

Then, as boys often do, he wanted to build a bigger one. So, I agreed, as long as he documented it and shared his thoughts. Turns out, he's a good carpenter- and a good teacher.

And though he's not specifically talking about building your YL business, his end point is the same: if you can build the small ramp, you can build the big one; if you can do the little dream, you can do the Goliath-sized one!

Man, this works anywhere! It works in...

  • Health and fitness
  • Business
  • Parenting
  • Running
  • Reading
  • Learning a foreign language...

If you can do a small version, you've got what it takes to go all the way!  Why? Because as Noah says, "Every dream breaks down to one piece of wood at a time- not matter how big the dream!"

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