Comp Plan MinVid 8: Requirements at Silver and higher

comp plan comp plan minvid Aug 23, 2017

A hobby costs you time + money; a business invests your time to create money. Which way are you looking at your YL business…?

Think long-term because the rewards are worth it. 

As you think long-term, here’s something to remember…. each time you rank up, you’ll need the following three things: 

First, a larger OGV (10K at Silver, 35K at Gold, 100K at Platinum…).

Second, one more qualifying leg (2 at Silver, 3 at Gold, 4 at Platinum…).

Third, each leg must be a bit larger (size = 4K at Silver, 6K at Gold, 8K at Platinum)….


The strategy? Leverage your upline to resource, replicate, and release additional business builders to hit these milestones…

The reward? Check out the Income Disclosure Statement. It definitely looks more like a business than a hobby. So… my 2 cents… invest the time + money now as if it IS one :-)

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