Comp Plan MinVid 5: Get to Silver

comp plan comp plan minvid Aug 02, 2017

Let me be blunt: it’s time for some of you to “flip” to Silver! 

Here’s why- not only do you get access to a leader line, not only do you have the opportunity to go on one of YL’s amazing “rank trips” (all expenses paid, ultra-nice hotel, go visit a farm!), not only do you win some amazing prizes…

But, you’re checks go exponentially up!

We’ve got a Silver on our team who says that every month, just as she “flips” from Executive to Silver, her check more than doubles. Overnight. Just like that. 

Here’s why…

You get paid the Unilevel (8, 5, 4, 4, 4 % off levels 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5)...

(See for a review on the Unilevel Commission.)

And you start receiving TWO NEW ADDITIONAL payments…

If you’re hovering around the 6K-8K OGV range, it’s time to kick it up a notch, push your OGV over the top, and collect these $$$$.

This is a business. More money means more debt crushed, more opportunity to give and bless others, more chances to save for vacations and future expenses and things you’ve had on your list for a long, long time… 

Next step: Silver :-)

* Also, since I make income suggestions, I need to link you to Young Living’s Income Disclosure Statement at, as well as provide a copy of the document here. (I’m providing you with two versions, since I reference the hours mentioned on the 2013 version.)


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