Comp Plan MinVid 4: What are legs? (The first three ranks)
Jul 26, 2017You hit Star, the second rank in YL, when your biz grows to 500 OGV. That volume can come from anywhere throughout your organization.
Grow to 2,000 OGV, and you’ll be a Senior Star. Again, this volume can come from anywhere- from as many or few people as it takes.
(By the way, the move to Star gets you to 3 levels of Unilevel Commission and the move to Senior Star means you start earning 4- see the Unilevel Commision video for more on this shift!)
At Executive, a new thing comes into play, LEGS.
What’s a leg? It’s a business builder beneath you- on your level 1.
At Executive, you’ve got to DOUBLE the Senior Start OGV from 2,000 to 4,000, and you’ve got to have 2 of these legs at 1,000 (or more) each.
That means you can’t have one person doing all the work for you (i.e., you sit back, relax, and somebody blows up to 4,000 OGV that’s beneath you). It’s this dynamic that keep YL from being a Pyramid Scheme- people below you can outgrow you AND you can outgrow those above you…
This also means that you have to empower multiple leaders…
No worries, you’ll want to do that, anyway. As you’ll see at Silver and higher… with each new rank you grow (with the exception of RCD), you’ll need an ADDITIONAL LEG and those legs will all need to be slightly LARGER than the previous rank’s legs… And, of course, your OGV has to grow a bit, too.
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