Comp Plan MinVid 2: Fast Start & Start Living Bonus
Jul 12, 2017If you start sharing your love of the oils and other amazing products. Young Living has, you’re going to receive these two bonuses, the Fast Start Bonus and the Start Living Bonus. Whereas most bonuses in Young Living (read: every other payment or commission) is tied to the Sponsor, these two UNIQUELY follow the ENROLLER.
(Remember, the Enroller “signs someone up” but may place them somewhere else, strategically having them sponsored by another team member- I discuss this in an earlier video at
What’s the Fast Start?
Well, YL pays you 25% of the PV of that new members order for three months (the month they order, plus 2 more). On a 100 PV Premium Starter Kit, that means you earn $25.00. If they add products to their oder, you earn 25% of those, as well….
And it pays this way for two MORE months…
Why? Well, it takes a bit more time to educate a new person than it does someone who’s been around awhile, right? Think about it, how much did you know about the oils + chem free cleaning products + nutritional juggernauts when you first got started? Yeah- you’re being paid for the extra time + attention it takes to start them on this journey…
Here’s another tidbit: YL pays you 10% anytime they enroll someone- off that new enrollees order (when your personally enrolled enrolls someone). This incentivizes you to help you personally enrolled members empower other people on this journey….
See how that works?
Oh, and the Start Living Bonus…. $25.00, one-time payment, anytime someone you enroll becomes a member with a PSK.
Here's what it looks like:
Tip: don’t look at these bonuses as payments for “signing them up.” If you do, they’ll be a one-kit wonder. You’ll get enamored with the $50.00 (or more, if they added products to those initial orders), you’ll NOT educate them, and you’ll find yourself constantly chasing new enrollments. It’s WAY easier to move existing members to Essential Rewards if you’ve educated them INTO the journey properly than it is to go find new enrollments… So, enroll them, educate them, and help them empower + educate others…
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