If this is your #1 fear you can still grow a great business!

classes getting started Feb 23, 2016

On this site, I've mentioned- more than once- that the best way to grow your business is by hosting classes. That is, you've got to get the info (the oils, the Thieves kit, NingXia Red, etc.) in FRONT of people- and give them some great info...

(Yes, I know there are people with huge social platforms that leverage them and become the exception to this rule... but, unless you have the following they have, you'll probably have to do the "classes" route like us, right? After all, let's build the business on the norms and not the exceptions- and then when the exceptions kick in, in our favor, then HALLELUJAH, right!?)

That said... 

No communication = no possible way they're going to buy from you (unless you're telepathic, of course)

Leads me to this...

Seinfeld is STILL one of the best TV shows around (it's still in syndication!), and Jerry is- my opinion- the funniest comedian alive. Still...

He's got this bit about speaking in public- and about how most people's #1 fear is standing to talk in front of a crowd (death is #2, btw, and the correlation he makes is hilarious- it's in the clip above).

Most people hate speaking in public. In fact, this short clip from Seinfeld states it better than anything else I've found.


If you resonate with this... then... 

So, what do you do if that's you? Do you just "give up" and say, "Hey, maybe running a successful biz is for someone else...?"

Or do you work at it and push through?

Or, do you work at it and push through while communicating in other ways?

In this post, I outline 5 options for you if speaking in public is your #1 fear (or if it's someone on your team's).

By the way, if you have team members that seem disinterested in the business and KEEP PUTTING OFF THE FIRST CLASS, it might NOT be that they don't want to work it. Rather, it might be that they're just afraid... and they're caught in this quandry that Seinfeld outlines.

Take a look at this 1-minute chat, review the 5 options, and see what you think.


Options galore


Alright, so if speaking in public is people's #1 fear- and if that fear happens to be your fear, what do you do when the job you do (i.e., network marketing) works better when you present your message to people via interpersonal communication?

Here are a few options we present in the #Overflow business builder workshop.

1. Shoot a Essential Oils 101 class on video. Cristy is an amazing communicator. However, much of her early business growth came from an hour long video she shot on a Mac, had me edit, and then passed to our Downline.

(Incidentally, she had me to this before I knew anything about the oils. We literally had friends watching the edit, while it was IN THE EDITING PHASE who decided they wanted a kit.)

2. If you don't have a video, grab one from your Upline. That is, see what resources are available to you.

Your success = their success. They'll be thrilled to help you. 

3. Read the script. In the back of our workbook, we actually have a script one of our team member's created.

Think about it this way: every Sunday people teach Bible studies by simply reading from their curriculum. A lot of teachers do the same thing in school- even in college (gasp!). Sure, an entertaining speaker is better, but this gets the job done.

Plus, a script accompishing something that a great public speaker can't- reading a script is duplicatable. Whenever people attend your classes, they're wondering two things: 

  • Does this stuff really work? 
  • Can I do what that person is doing?

If they get over hurdle #1 and agree, "Yes! Essentials oils actually do work!" you still have hurdle #2 to clear before they start replicating your efforts and building a business. 

Doesn't mean they won't purchase the products from you. But, if you're goal is to build a team of business builders, you'll need some people to multiply your efforts. So, think duplication. 

(I know a Royal Crown Diamond who inisted that any builder she trained use a script for this very reason. Obviously, she's on to something that has worked  marvelously for her- and several tens of thousands in her organization.)

4. Do a Facebook class. In my mind, this takes more work than a "live" class, because you have to have your posts ready to go ahead of time (meaning, you need to plan and prepare, just as you would for a live class).

However, this class has the advantage that live classes don't (well, a few advantages!):

  • You don't have to clean your house
  • You can do the class in your pajamas (shoot-  you can even advertise to others that this is completely that laid back and casual)
  • You aren't limited geographically

Plus, you can leave that class up well after the live event so that people can revisit it.

5. Do your stuff one-on-one. This one sounds like it will take a while. And, though you want be able to come back and report, "Hey, I had 7 sign-ups last night at class," you will connect with your team members in an intimate way.

That kind of connecting is something you need to do anyway in order to be successful long term.

So, if you don't like standing up in front of a crowd, go one-on-one at a coffee shop.



That's a wrap

Alright, that's it. Five ideas to help you move forward if you don't like standing up and speaking in front of a crowd.

Here's what I would suggest if that's you:

1. Work the strategies above, growing your business right now. That's right. Use the above opportunities to do your thing. Maybe not all 5...  but pick 1 or 2 and get after it... 

Like I said, even though Cristy is a great teacher, I've seen her use video, Facetime, Facebook posts that turn into PMs, phone calls to/from interested people, etc...

Plus, Cristy has begun using a script, too- so that she can easily train other leaders. 

2. Go to Toastmasters or some other forum where you can learn to become more confident in front of people. The skills you'll acquire will benefit you enormously- in multiple areas of life.

But, don't let that be the hindrance to you starting to grow now.


Oh, yeah

Ahhh... again, we talk occasionally about three things that grow your biz... everything else has to be a subset of these three- or drive towards them... 

* new enrollments

* repeat buyers (i.e., essential rewards)

* multiplying leaders

Where does this fit? Bingo... 

... creating a vehicle to get the word out about your biz is STEP #1!

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