Humility = the foundation of it all

mlm team Dec 29, 2015

Early into our Young Living journey, we found ourselves in Hawaii for the Drive to Win promotion. The final night we were there, Gary (the founder / CEO) took a few minutes to talk about humility.

He said something like this: "Abundance is high on everyone's list. Everyone wants abundance. Humility, though, is often less desired. But humility is the foundation for everything..."

Young Living actually sells two oils for each of these traits, Abundance and Humility. Oddly enough, the sales for those oils are about the same as Gary's assertion.

  • Everyone buys Abundance
  • Few people purchase Humility

We thought it would be awesome to have distributors with the company film themselves talking about humility- what it is and why it's important (we actuallly sent a request that made its rounds through social media).

We asked them to purchase the product and send us the clip after it arrived. We hoped Gary would see a surge in sales; we didn't except Humility to sell out (watch the video above, to the end, and see what happened).  

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