Generations 3- Generation Commissions
Sep 20, 2017
How'd you like to get paid an extra 2.5% on your check? What about an extra 3.0%?
Yeah, I would, too :-)
Here's how you can: When you hit Silver, YL pays you NOT ONLY Generation Shares BUT ALSO Generation Commissions. That's where these percentages start kicking in....
2.5% for your Personal Generation (watch video 1 of this series for info on what that is).
3.0% for your other Generations...
Remember, since Generations SKIP the Unilevel when there aren't Silver+ leaders there, this means you can find yourself getting paid 3.0% on ENTIRE GENERATIONS of volume where you effectively aren't already getting paid on the Unilevel (the Generations reach CAN extend beyond the Unilevel). Yeah, and places where are already ARE getting paid... it's an extra 2.5% or 3.0%.
Check out the Income Disclosure Statement at - and after watching this video you'll understand why the average check at Silver is FOUR TIMES what it is at Executive (the previous rank).
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