Generations 1- Generations
Sep 06, 2017Before discussing the two MORE awesome ways Young Living pays you as you beginning "ranking up" (read: Generation Shares and Generation Commissions), we've got to take a few minutes to understand why a Generation is.
Once you get this, you'll be able to handle both Shares and Commissions, because you get paid BOTH things FOR the same groups of biz builders on your team.
Quick version: A generation is a biz builder, Silver or higher- on your team. This comes into effect for you once you hit Silver…
You are your personal generation….
The next Silver or higher is your Gen 2, Gen 3…. etc… regardless of where they are on the Unilevel (Gens skip Unilevels).
Each leg works independently, so your Gen 2 in one leg may be on level 1, whereas Gen 2 on another leg could be in level 17 (that’d be extreme, but you get the point).
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