A "drive time" lesson about moving your business forward

getting started goal setting mlm May 31, 2016

It's easy to get discouraged when your trying to drive a business to your dream. It helps if you focus your efforts on the things that matter, the things that actually move you forward. It also helps if you keep moving... momentum actually creates more momentum.

And, yes, potholes come, too. They're on every rode. The truth, though, is that a pothole in a road ins't an indictment on your driving- or on your dream destination. 

The pothole is simply an issue with that particular part of the road. Deal with it- and move on.

And pick your pace. There are always people driving faster- and there are always people driving slower.

Choose your pace, and enjoy the journey... 



You might also like the post about direction determining your destiny. Watch here and get encouraged that, yes, the right road ALWAYS gets you to your intended destination. Always. 

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